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Monday 21 November 2011

Internet tract, terrorists new tact

Cyber terrorism is increasing in recent times all over the world as terrorists are turning to internet to share know-how on hacking into websites, bomb-making and use of fire-arms. A recent study conducted by Singapo­rean and Australian researchers revealed this fact. Trend is more in Southeast Asia region.
Study noted a hike in the use of internet by the terrorists, as they find it hard to operate in the open. Extremists usually used to work in relative isolation. But, cyber-terrorism becomes a credible alternative for them. They are using it to celebrate online terrorist victories and sharing information on technology and spread materials to their followers. They also use this route to get sympathizers, who are also making use of social networking sites and strengthening their network. They are using cyber route to express their views with exclusive speeches while posting news reports, articles, videos and pictures.
The number of sites operated by the radicals, extremists and their sympathizers has increased drastically. At the same time cases of individuals who posted their propaganda also increased. Regional governments and law enforce­ment agencies have done little to stop the rise of online radicalization. Some governments don't want to appear undemocratic by seeming to rein in freedom of expressions in cyberspace.
For extremists, it is an easy way to reach target persons to propagate their ideas. They were also using internet to raise fund and recruit like-minded people to spread terrorist propaganda. Because of its wide network, publish­ing a web page is an excellent way for any organization or an individual to reach target people. Mes­sages could be sending very easily and quickly through e-mail, which could be reaching within a fraction of second to a person wherever he will be.
Usually terrorists target critical infrastructure such as water, power and transporta­tion, key installations like defense, industries, information centers, and government departments for their attack. It is very easy to gather information about these, as the detailed information is available in the internet. They could collect relevant information to sketch a plan to attack them. Masterminds of the terrorist attacks are stored detailed information about the targeting objects and internet makes their works easy.
According to some sources, extremists were recruiting skilled hackers to cripple rival groups' economy and attack their critical infrastructure as part of a terrorist plot. For them internet may be the media. Besides, there are many instances of attack on websites by sending viruses to destroy important files and data of their rivals.
They are also using internet for trading to collect fund. Drug trade is such an example. According to sources drug trade now represents about seven per cent of world trade and is the main source of income for terrorist activities.
Moreover, the internet could allow attackers to remain anonymous, to strike at multiple targets from a distance, and escape detection. In the future cyber terrorism may become a viable option to traditional physical acts of violence.

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